We need to take action now to limit global temperature rise, said Mr. Ban, the United Nations secretary general, in opening the session. 我们现在必须采取行动来遏制全球气温上升,联合国秘书长潘基文在大会的开幕致辞中说。
A limit set by Congress beyond which the national debt cannot rise; periodically raised by Congress. 由议会规定的不能再多的借贷限额;会做定期调整。
Should there be a legislated upper limit to machine intelligence? Can the rise of machine intelligence be stopped? 应不应该有一个通过立法决定对机器智能的上限?机器智能的崛起能被阻止吗?
The yen powered higher, dragging the dollar to a 13-year low of nearly y87 despite speculation that Tokyo could intervene to limit the rise in its currency and calls for the Bank of Japan to act more aggressively. 日元走强,拖累美元兑日元汇率跌至近87日元的13年低位,尽管市场猜测日本政府可能入市干预,以遏制日元升值,并呼吁日本央行(boj)采取更为有力的行动。
The policy challenge is to limit this price rise. 政策上面临的挑战是限制价格上涨。
Bearing selection shall limit the bearing temperature rise to a maximum of 60 C under full load operation. 在全负载状态下,所挑选的轴承将轴承温度限制在60℃以下。
The incapacity of the police to limit the rise in crime cannot be attributed solely to a shortage of funds. 警方无力控制犯罪率上升不能只归咎于资金短缺。
The deal agreed by major economies including the US and China on Friday evening but not formally adopted by the United Nations makes a commitment to limit the rise in global temperatures but does not specify caps on emissions to achieve that objective. 由美国和中国等主要经济体在周五晚间达成、但未得到联合国正式采纳的这份协议,作出了限制全球升温幅度的承诺,但并未具体规定实现这一目标的排放上限。
Unlike fermions, there is no limit to the number of bosons that can occupy the same quantum state, a behaviour that gives rise to the superfluidity of helium-4. 玻色子与费米子不同,占有同一量子态的玻色子数目不受限制,这一性状引发氦-4的超流性。
Because of the six-month limit, the scheme would not benefit countries with persistently high unemployment. But it would protect countries against a sudden rise in unemployment. 由于期限只有6个月,该体系不会让失业率持续高企的国家受惠,但能保护各国免受失业率突然提升的冲击。
Last year, the average time limit for post delivery was cut by two to three days from the previous year. With the speed rise in the railway sector, the time limit for post delivery will be shortened further. 去年普通信函的传递时限比前年平均缩短了2&3天,随着火车时刻的调整,邮件还将全面提速。
Limit Temperature Rise in No-load Transformer Core 变压器空载工况下铁心的极限温升
Discussion on story drift limit of high-rise buildings 高层建筑层间位移控制的探讨
It shows that construction berm has limit effect on the ground temperature characteristics of embankment such as artificial permafrost table, annual mean ground temperature and thaw bowl, however, the thaw depth well increase and annual mean ground temperature will rise. 研究结果表明:设置护道对人为上限、年平均地温及融化盘等路基地温特征影响有限,但融化深度、年平均地温均表现为增大趋势;
With the design principle of quasi limit, the temperature rise of a permanent magnet ( PM) DC motor was discussed on both steady and transient states in the different excess current. 在准极限理论的设计原则下,从永磁直流电动机传热的角度出发,分析了电动机随过载电流不同表现出的稳态和瞬态的温升规律。
However, considering the cable structure of the optical fibers, the limit of temperature rise differs from that of conventional overhead ground wires. 然而,由于OPGW结构中包含有光纤,这就意味着温升限制与传统架空地线有所不同。